


Value Box 1


Value Box 2


Value Box 3


Value Box 4


Value Box 5




All livestock in NI

Co Antrim

Co Armagh

Co Down

Co Fermanagh

Co Londonderry

Co Tyrone


Cattle by county

Cows by county

Sheep by county

Ewes by county

Pigs by county

Poultry by county

title: "Northern Ireland livestock 1923 - 2018"
    orientation: rows
    theme: cerulean
    source_code: embed
    logo: "daera_logo300dpi.png"
      - { title: "See more DAERA statistics", href: "", align: right }
```{r setup, message=F}

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE)


lsHist <- read.csv("Livestock by County, June 1921 - 2018_online.csv", header = F, stringsAsFactors = F)

lsHist[lsHist == "Horses & Ponies"] <- "Horses and Ponies"
lsHist[lsHist == "Mules, Jennets & Asses"] <- "Mules, Jennets and Asses"
col.names <- c("Year", tail(paste(t(lsHist[1,]),t(lsHist[2,]),sep="/"),n=-1))
lsHist <- lsHist[-(1:2), ]
lsHist <- setNames(lsHist, col.names)

lsHist <- melt(lsHist, id=c("Year"))
lsHist <- separate(data = lsHist, col = variable, into = c("Animal", "County"), sep = "/")

lsHist$County <- str_to_sentence(lsHist$County)

lsHist$County[lsHist$County == "Total n. Ireland"] <- "NI"

# format variables

lsHist$Animal <- str_trim(lsHist$Animal)
lsHist$Animal <- factor(lsHist$Animal)
lsHist$value <- as.numeric(lsHist$value)
lsHist$County <- factor(lsHist$County, levels = c("NI", "Antrim", "Armagh", "Down", 
                                                  "Fermanagh", "Londonderry", "Tyrone"), ordered = T)


dat <- 
  lsHist %>%

dat_graph <- dat
dat$value <- format(dat$value, big.mark = ",")

dat$Year <- as.Date(ISOdate(dat$Year, 6, 1))

shared_dat <- SharedData$new(dat)
sd_df <- SharedData$new(dat, group = shared_dat$groupName())


tidy_dat <- 


this.year <- max(as.numeric(tidy_dat$Year))
last.year <- this.year - 1


cattle <- 
  tidy_dat %>%
  filter(Animal == "Cattle") %>%
  select(Year, County, value) %>%
  spread(County, value)

cows <- 
  tidy_dat %>%
  filter(Animal == "Cows") %>%
  select(Year, County, value) %>%
  spread(County, value)

sheep <- 
  tidy_dat %>%
  filter(Animal == "Sheep") %>%
  select(Year, County, value) %>%
  spread(County, value)

pigs <- 
  tidy_dat %>%
  filter(Animal == "Pigs") %>%
  select(Year, County, value) %>%
  spread(County, value)

poultry <- 
  tidy_dat %>%
  filter(Animal == "Poultry") %>%
  select(Year, County, value) %>%
  spread(County, value)

horses <- 
  tidy_dat %>%
  filter(Animal == "Horses and Ponies") %>%
  select(Year, County, value) %>%
  spread(County, value)

ewes <-
  tidy_dat %>%
  filter(Animal == "Ewes") %>%
  select(Year, County, value) %>%
  spread(County, value)

NI.Totals <- 
  tidy_dat %>%
  filter(County == "NI") %>%
  select(Year, Animal, value) %>%
  spread(Animal, value)

antrim <- 
  tidy_dat %>%
  filter(County == "Antrim") %>%
  select(Year, Animal, value) %>%
  spread(Animal, value)

armagh <- 
  tidy_dat %>%
  filter(County == "Armagh") %>%
  select(Year, Animal, value) %>%
  spread(Animal, value)

down <- 
  tidy_dat %>%
  filter(County == "Down") %>%
  select(Year, Animal, value) %>%
  spread(Animal, value)

fermanagh <- 
  tidy_dat %>%
  filter(County == "Fermanagh") %>%
  select(Year, Animal, value) %>%
  spread(Animal, value)

londonderry <- 
  tidy_dat %>%
  filter(County == "Londonderry") %>%
  select(Year, Animal, value) %>%
  spread(Animal, value)

tyrone <- 
  tidy_dat %>%
  filter(County == "Tyrone") %>%
  select(Year, Animal, value) %>%
  spread(Animal, value)


Table {data-icon="fa-table"}

Inputs {.sidebar}

```{r filter options}

filter_slider("Year", "Year:", sd_df, ~Year, timeFormat = "%Y", step = 365.25)
filter_select("Animal", "Animal:", sd_df, ~Animal)
filter_select("County", "County", sd_df, ~County)



**Data can be downloaded using the button above the table**

**PDF option should be used for small reports only**

Row {data-height=750}


```{r datatable}

          colnames = c("Year", "Animal", "County", "Head"), 
          extensions = c('Scroller','Buttons'),
          plugins = 'natural',
          rownames = F,
          options = list(scrollY = 300, 
                         scroller = T, 
                         dom = 'Bfrtip',
                         buttons = list("colvis", "copy", "print", 
                                        list(extend = 'collection', 
                                             buttons = list(list(extend = 'csv',
                                                                 filename = "HistoricalLivestock"),
                                                            list(extend = 'excel',
                                                                 filename = "HistoricalLivestock"),
                                                            list(extend = 'pdf',
                                                                 filename = "HistoricalLivestock")),
                                             text = "Download"
                         columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', type = 'natural',
                                                orderData = 0, targets = 1),
                                           list(visible = TRUE, targets = 0))),
          fillContainer = T,
          class = 'cell-border stripe') %>%
          formatStyle(1:4, 'text-align' = 'left') %>%
        formatDate(1, method = "getFullYear") 


Row {data-height=250}

### Value Box 1

```{r value box 1}

cattle.this.year <- cattle$NI[cattle$Year == this.year]
cattle.last.year <- cattle$NI[cattle$Year == last.year]

pc.diff <- round((cattle.this.year - cattle.last.year) / cattle.last.year * 100, 0)

box.col <- ifelse(pc.diff < 0, "#ff9999", "#96f297")
filler  <- ifelse(pc.diff < 0, "fewer", "more")
icon <- ifelse(pc.diff < 0, "glyphicon-arrow-down", ifelse(pc.diff > 0, "glyphicon-arrow-up", "glyphicon-minus"))

to.print <- ifelse(pc.diff == 0, 
            paste("No change in cattle from", last.year, "to", this.year),
            paste(abs(pc.diff), "% ", filler, " cattle in ", this.year, " than in ", last.year, sep = ""))

valueBox(format(cattle.this.year, big.mark = ","), 
         caption = to.print, 
         icon = icon,
         color = box.col,
         href = "#charts")


### Value Box 2

```{r value box 2}

cows.this.year <- cows$NI[cows$Year == this.year]
cows.last.year <- cows$NI[cows$Year == last.year]

pc.diff <- round((cows.this.year - cows.last.year) / cows.last.year * 100, 0)

box.col <- ifelse(pc.diff < 0, "#ff9999", "#96f297")
filler  <- ifelse(pc.diff < 0, "fewer", "more")
icon <- ifelse(pc.diff < 0, "glyphicon-arrow-down", ifelse(pc.diff > 0, "glyphicon-arrow-up", "glyphicon-minus"))

to.print <- ifelse(pc.diff == 0, 
            paste("No change in cows from", last.year, "to", this.year),
            paste(abs(pc.diff), "% ", filler, " cows in ", this.year, " than in ", last.year, sep = ""))

valueBox(format(cows.this.year, big.mark = ","), 
         caption = to.print, 
         icon = icon,
         color = box.col,
         href = "#charts")


### Value Box 3

```{r value box 3}

sheep.this.year <- sheep$NI[sheep$Year == this.year]
sheep.last.year <- sheep$NI[sheep$Year == last.year]

pc.diff <- round((sheep.this.year - sheep.last.year) / sheep.last.year * 100, 0)

box.col <- ifelse(pc.diff < 0, "#ff9999", "#96f297")
filler  <- ifelse(pc.diff < 0, "fewer", "more")
icon <- ifelse(pc.diff < 0, "glyphicon-arrow-down", ifelse(pc.diff > 0, "glyphicon-arrow-up", "glyphicon-minus"))

to.print <- ifelse(pc.diff == 0, 
            paste("No change in sheep from", last.year, "to", this.year),
            paste(abs(pc.diff), "% ", filler, " sheep in ", this.year, " than in ", last.year, sep = ""))

valueBox(format(sheep.this.year, big.mark = ","), 
         caption = to.print, 
         icon = icon,
         color = box.col,
         href = "#charts")


### Value Box 4

```{r value box 4}

pigs.this.year <- pigs$NI[pigs$Year == this.year]
pigs.last.year <- pigs$NI[pigs$Year == last.year]

pc.diff <- round((pigs.this.year - pigs.last.year) / pigs.last.year * 100, 0)

box.col <- ifelse(pc.diff < 0, "#ff9999", "#96f297")
filler  <- ifelse(pc.diff < 0, "fewer", "more")
icon <- ifelse(pc.diff < 0, "glyphicon-arrow-down", ifelse(pc.diff > 0, "glyphicon-arrow-up", "glyphicon-minus"))

to.print <- ifelse(pc.diff == 0, 
            paste("No change in pigs from", last.year, "to", this.year),
            paste(abs(pc.diff), "% ", filler, " pigs in ", this.year, " than in ", last.year, sep = ""))

valueBox(format(pigs.this.year, big.mark = ","), 
         caption = to.print, 
         icon = icon,
         color = box.col,
         href = "#charts")


### Value Box 5

```{r value box 5}

poultry.this.year <- poultry$NI[poultry$Year == this.year]
poultry.last.year <- poultry$NI[poultry$Year == last.year]

pc.diff <- round((poultry.this.year - poultry.last.year) / poultry.last.year * 100, 0)

box.col <- ifelse(pc.diff < 0, "#ff9999", "#96f297")
filler  <- ifelse(pc.diff < 0, "fewer", "more")
icon <- ifelse(pc.diff < 0, "glyphicon-arrow-down", ifelse(pc.diff > 0, "glyphicon-arrow-up", "glyphicon-minus"))

to.print <- ifelse(pc.diff == 0, 
            paste("No change in poultry from", last.year, "to", this.year),
            paste(abs(pc.diff), "% ", filler, " poultry in ", this.year, " than in ", last.year, sep = ""))

valueBox(format(poultry.this.year, big.mark = ","), 
         caption = to.print, 
         icon = icon,
         color = box.col,
         href = "#charts")


```{r logo, out.width = "175px", echo=FALSE, fig.align='centre'} 


Charts {data-icon="fa-chart-line"}

Row {.tabset .tabset-fade}

### **All livestock in NI**

```{r NI totals}

mycolors = c('#1f77b4', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c', '#d62728', '#9467bd', '#e377c2')

  plot_ly(NI.Totals, x = ~Year, y = ~Cattle, name = 'Cattle', type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines',
        visible = T, showlegend = TRUE, line = list(width = 2.5)) %>% 
  add_trace(y = ~NI.Totals$Cows, name = 'Cows', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~NI.Totals$Sheep, name = 'Sheep', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~NI.Totals$Ewes, name = 'Ewes', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~NI.Totals$Goats, name = 'Goats', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~NI.Totals$Pigs, name = 'Pigs', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~NI.Totals$`Female Breeding Pigs`, name = 'Female breeding pigs', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
    add_trace(y = ~NI.Totals$Poultry, name = 'Poultry', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~NI.Totals$`Horses and Ponies`, name = 'Horses and ponies', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~NI.Totals$`Mules, Jennets and Asses`, name = 'Mules, jennets, asses', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  layout(title = "",
         paper_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)', plot_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
         xaxis = list(title = "",
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
                      showgrid = FALSE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      dtick = 5,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      zeroline = FALSE),
         yaxis = list(title = "Head",
                      titlefont = list(size = 11),
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(229,229,299)',
                      showgrid = TRUE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      tickformat = ",",
                      zeroline = FALSE))

### **Co Antrim**

```{r Antrim}

plot_ly(antrim, x = ~Year, y = ~Cattle, name = 'Cattle', type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines',
        visible = T, showlegend = TRUE, line = list(width = 2.5)) %>% 
  add_trace(y = ~antrim$Cows, name = 'Cows', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~antrim$Sheep, name = 'Sheep', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~antrim$Ewes, name = 'Ewes', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~antrim$Goats, name = 'Goats', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~antrim$Pigs, name = 'Pigs', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~antrim$`Female Breeding Pigs`, name = 'Female breeding pigs', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~antrim$Poultry, name = 'Poultry', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~antrim$`Horses and Ponies`, name = 'Horses and ponies', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~antrim$`Mules, Jennets and Asses`, name = 'Mules, jennets, asses', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  layout(title = "",
         paper_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)', plot_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
         xaxis = list(title = "",
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
                      showgrid = FALSE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      dtick = 5,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      zeroline = FALSE),
         yaxis = list(title = "Head",
                      titlefont = list(size = 11),
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(229,229,299)',
                      showgrid = TRUE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      tickformat = ",",
                      zeroline = FALSE))


### **Co Armagh**

```{r Armagh}

plot_ly(armagh, x = ~Year, y = ~Cattle, name = 'Cattle', type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines',
        visible = T, showlegend = TRUE, line = list(width = 2.5)) %>% 
  add_trace(y = ~armagh$Cows, name = 'Cows', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~armagh$Sheep, name = 'Sheep', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~armagh$Ewes, name = 'Ewes', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~armagh$Goats, name = 'Goats', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~armagh$Pigs, name = 'Pigs', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~armagh$`Female Breeding Pigs`, name = 'Female breeding pigs', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~armagh$Poultry, name = 'Poultry', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~armagh$`Horses and Ponies`, name = 'Horses and ponies', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~armagh$`Mules, Jennets and Asses`, name = 'Mules, jennets, asses', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  layout(title = "",
         paper_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)', plot_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
         xaxis = list(title = "",
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
                      showgrid = FALSE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      dtick = 5,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      zeroline = FALSE),
         yaxis = list(title = "Head",
                      titlefont = list(size = 11),
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(229,229,299)',
                      showgrid = TRUE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      tickformat = ",",
                      zeroline = FALSE))


### **Co Down**

```{r Down}

plot_ly(down, x = ~Year, y = ~Cattle, name = 'Cattle', type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines',
        visible = T, showlegend = TRUE, line = list(width = 2.5)) %>% 
  add_trace(y = ~down$Cows, name = 'Cows', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~down$Sheep, name = 'Sheep', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~down$Ewes, name = 'Ewes', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~down$Goats, name = 'Goats', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~down$Pigs, name = 'Pigs', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~down$`Female Breeding Pigs`, name = 'Female breeding pigs', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~armagh$Poultry, name = 'Poultry', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~down$`Horses and Ponies`, name = 'Horses and ponies', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~down$`Mules, Jennets and Asses`, name = 'Mules, jennets, asses', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  layout(title = "",
         paper_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)', plot_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
         xaxis = list(title = "",
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
                      showgrid = FALSE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      dtick = 5,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      zeroline = FALSE),
         yaxis = list(title = "Head",
                      titlefont = list(size = 11),
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(229,229,299)',
                      showgrid = TRUE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      tickformat = ",",
                      zeroline = FALSE))


### **Co Fermanagh**

```{r Fermanagh}

plot_ly(fermanagh, x = ~Year, y = ~Cattle, name = 'Cattle', type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines',
        visible = T, showlegend = TRUE, line = list(width = 2.5)) %>% 
  add_trace(y = ~fermanagh$Cows, name = 'Cows', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~fermanagh$Sheep, name = 'Sheep', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~fermanagh$Ewes, name = 'Ewes', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~fermanagh$Goats, name = 'Goats', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~fermanagh$Pigs, name = 'Pigs', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~fermanagh$`Female Breeding Pigs`, name = 'Female breeding pigs', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~armagh$Poultry, name = 'Poultry', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~fermanagh$`Horses and Ponies`, name = 'Horses and ponies', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~fermanagh$`Mules, Jennets and Asses`, name = 'Mules, jennets, asses', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  layout(title = "",
         paper_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)', plot_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
         xaxis = list(title = "",
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
                      showgrid = FALSE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      dtick = 5,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      zeroline = FALSE),
         yaxis = list(title = "Head",
                      titlefont = list(size = 11),
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(229,229,299)',
                      showgrid = TRUE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      tickformat = ",",
                      zeroline = FALSE))


### **Co Londonderry**

```{r Londonderry}

plot_ly(londonderry, x = ~Year, y = ~Cattle, name = 'Cattle', type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines',
        visible = T, showlegend = TRUE, line = list(width = 2.5)) %>% 
  add_trace(y = ~londonderry$Cows, name = 'Cows', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~londonderry$Sheep, name = 'Sheep', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~londonderry$Ewes, name = 'Ewes', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~londonderry$Goats, name = 'Goats', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~londonderry$Pigs, name = 'Pigs', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~londonderry$`Female Breeding Pigs`, name = 'Female breeding pigs', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~londonderry$Poultry, name = 'Poultry', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~londonderry$`Horses and Ponies`, name = 'Horses and ponies', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~londonderry$`Mules, Jennets and Asses`, name = 'Mules, jennets, asses', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  layout(title = "",
         paper_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)', plot_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
         xaxis = list(title = "",
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
                      showgrid = FALSE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      dtick = 5,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      zeroline = FALSE),
         yaxis = list(title = "Head",
                      titlefont = list(size = 11),
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(229,229,299)',
                      showgrid = TRUE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      tickformat = ",",
                      zeroline = FALSE))


### **Co Tyrone**

```{r Tyrone}

plot_ly(tyrone, x = ~Year, y = ~Cattle, name = 'Cattle', type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines',
        visible = T, showlegend = TRUE, line = list(width = 2.5)) %>% 
  add_trace(y = ~tyrone$Cows, name = 'Cows', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~tyrone$Sheep, name = 'Sheep', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~tyrone$Ewes, name = 'Ewes', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~tyrone$Goats, name = 'Goats', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~tyrone$Pigs, name = 'Pigs', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~tyrone$`Female Breeding Pigs`, name = 'Female breeding pigs', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~tyrone$Poultry, name = 'Poultry', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~tyrone$`Horses and Ponies`, name = 'Horses and ponies', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  add_trace(y = ~tyrone$`Mules, Jennets and Asses`, name = 'Mules, jennets, asses', mode = 'lines', visible = 'legendonly') %>%
  layout(title = "",
         paper_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)', plot_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
         xaxis = list(title = "",
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
                      showgrid = FALSE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      dtick = 5,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      zeroline = FALSE),
         yaxis = list(title = "Head",
                      titlefont = list(size = 11),
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(229,229,299)',
                      showgrid = TRUE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      tickformat = ",",
                      zeroline = FALSE))


Row {.tabset .tabset-fade}

### **Cattle by county**

```{r cattle by county}

plot_ly(cattle, x = ~Year, y = ~NI, name = 'NI Total', type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines',
        visible = 'legendonly', showlegend = TRUE, line = list(width = 2.5)) %>% 
  add_trace(y = ~cattle$Antrim, name = 'Antrim', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~cattle$Armagh, name = 'Armagh', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~cattle$Down, name = 'Down', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~cattle$Fermanagh, name = 'Fermanagh', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~cattle$Londonderry, name = 'Londonderry', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~cattle$Tyrone, name = 'Tyrone', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  layout(title = "",
         paper_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)', plot_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)', hovermode = "compare",
         xaxis = list(title = "",
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
                      showgrid = FALSE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      dtick = 5,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      zeroline = FALSE),
         yaxis = list(title = "Cattle (head)",
                      titlefont = list(size = 11),
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(229,229,299)',
                      showgrid = TRUE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      tickformat = ",",
                      zeroline = FALSE))


### **Cows by county**

```{r cows by county}

plot_ly(cows, x = ~Year, y = ~NI, name = 'NI Total', type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines',
        visible = 'legendonly', showlegend = TRUE, line = list(width = 2.5)) %>% 
  add_trace(y = ~cows$Antrim, name = 'Antrim', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~cows$Armagh, name = 'Armagh', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~cows$Down, name = 'Down', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~cows$Fermanagh, name = 'Fermanagh', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~cows$Londonderry, name = 'Londonderry', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~cows$Tyrone, name = 'Tyrone', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  layout(title = "",
         paper_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)', plot_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)', hovermode = "compare",
         xaxis = list(title = "",
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
                      showgrid = FALSE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      dtick = 5,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      zeroline = FALSE),
         yaxis = list(title = "Cows (head)",
                      titlefont = list(size = 11),
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(229,229,299)',
                      showgrid = TRUE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      tickformat = ",",
                      zeroline = FALSE))


### **Sheep by county**

```{r sheep by county}

plot_ly(sheep, x = ~Year, y = ~NI, name = 'NI Total', type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines',
        visible = 'legendonly', showlegend = TRUE, line = list(width = 2.5)) %>% 
  add_trace(y = ~sheep$Antrim, name = 'Antrim', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~sheep$Armagh, name = 'Armagh', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~sheep$Down, name = 'Down', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~sheep$Fermanagh, name = 'Fermanagh', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~sheep$Londonderry, name = 'Londonderry', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~sheep$Tyrone, name = 'Tyrone', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  layout(title = "",
         paper_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)', plot_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)', hovermode = "compare",
         xaxis = list(title = "",
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
                      showgrid = FALSE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      dtick = 5,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      zeroline = FALSE),
         yaxis = list(title = "Sheep (head)",
                      titlefont = list(size = 11),
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(229,229,299)',
                      showgrid = TRUE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      tickformat = ",",
                      zeroline = FALSE))


### **Ewes by county**

```{r Ewes by county}

plot_ly(ewes, x = ~Year, y = ~NI, name = 'NI Total', type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines',
        visible = 'legendonly', showlegend = TRUE, line = list(width = 2.5)) %>% 
  add_trace(y = ~ewes$Antrim, name = 'Antrim', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~ewes$Armagh, name = 'Armagh', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~ewes$Down, name = 'Down', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~ewes$Fermanagh, name = 'Fermanagh', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~ewes$Londonderry, name = 'Londonderry', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~ewes$Tyrone, name = 'Tyrone', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  layout(title = "",
         paper_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)', plot_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)', hovermode = "compare",
         xaxis = list(title = "",
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
                      showgrid = FALSE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      dtick = 5,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      zeroline = FALSE),
         yaxis = list(title = "Ewes (head)",
                      titlefont = list(size = 11),
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(229,229,299)',
                      showgrid = TRUE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      tickformat = ",",
                      zeroline = FALSE))


### **Pigs by county**

```{r pigs by county}

plot_ly(pigs, x = ~Year, y = ~NI, name = 'NI Total', type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines',
        visible = 'legendonly', showlegend = TRUE, line = list(width = 2.5)) %>% 
  add_trace(y = ~pigs$Antrim, name = 'Antrim', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~pigs$Armagh, name = 'Armagh', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~pigs$Down, name = 'Down', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~pigs$Fermanagh, name = 'Fermanagh', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~pigs$Londonderry, name = 'Londonderry', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~pigs$Tyrone, name = 'Tyrone', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  layout(title = "",
         paper_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)', plot_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)', hovermode = "compare",
         xaxis = list(title = "",
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
                      showgrid = FALSE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      dtick = 5,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      zeroline = FALSE),
         yaxis = list(title = "Pigs (head)",
                      titlefont = list(size = 11),
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(229,229,299)',
                      showgrid = TRUE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      tickformat = ",",
                      zeroline = FALSE))


### **Poultry by county**

```{r poultry by county}

plot_ly(poultry, x = ~Year, y = ~NI, name = 'NI Total', type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines',
        visible = 'legendonly', showlegend = TRUE, line = list(width = 2.5)) %>% 
  add_trace(y = ~poultry$Antrim, name = 'Antrim', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~poultry$Armagh, name = 'Armagh', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~poultry$Down, name = 'Down', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~poultry$Fermanagh, name = 'Fermanagh', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~poultry$Londonderry, name = 'Londonderry', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  add_trace(y = ~poultry$Tyrone, name = 'Tyrone', mode = 'lines', visible = T) %>%
  layout(title = "",
         paper_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)', plot_bgcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)', hovermode = "compare",
         xaxis = list(title = "",
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(255,255,255)',
                      showgrid = FALSE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      dtick = 5,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      zeroline = FALSE),
         yaxis = list(title = "Poultry (head)",
                      titlefont = list(size = 11),
                      gridcolor = 'rgb(229,229,299)',
                      showgrid = TRUE,
                      showline = TRUE,
                      showticklabels = TRUE,
                      tickcolor = 'rgb(127,127,127)',
                      ticks = 'outside',
                      tickformat = ",",
                      zeroline = FALSE))

# Jay Calvert
# Statistics and Analytical Services Branch
# Policy, Economics and Statistics Division
